Christian Dahl

Developer In Training

About me

Just a student, for now.

Hello, I am Christian Dahl, I am currently studying game and software development at Neumont College of Computer Science in Salt Lake City.

Languages: English, Korean.

CS related skills: Game Engine Development, some Java, Linux admin, C, C++, and C#, GameMaker engine, and gadget tinkering

Interests: Music, Photography, Film, Gaming, Art, Literature.

My Projects

Presentations for some of my favorite projects.

Poker Night at the Mainframe

Text-based Poker Game with some of pop culture’s greatest robot characters. Fold, raise, call and check to see if you can out play some of the most famous metal misanthropes, heroes, and trash compactors!

Developed by Brandon Smith and Christian Dahl

Hand Checks by Christian Dahl

Retro Metro

Choose Your Own Adventure Tabletop Role Playing Game But On Your Phone — It’s Like Dungeons and Dragons With Battle Sequences and Adventure Choices

Developed by Brandon Smith and Christian Dahl

Battle System adapted from Lairs and Lizards by Brandon Smith

Project Diary

My thoughts on my most recent projects.


Consider this a show-reel of sorts for the last 18 months

Hey there! if you’re reading this I have likely linked you to this exact post![…]

GameJavaStories from ClassWindows

Object Oriented Poker with Robots

“I guess we could do like, a card game or something” , said Brandon. Little[…]